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Not knowing where you want to be can be the recipe for a thriving career!

Category: Gender (Equality & Identity), Generation (Age Friendly)

Career and Talent Development

When Helen, our Director for Product Management, joined Sage as a technical support staff, she had no plan for her career, and she says that’s what’s made her so successful - taking every opportunity to grow as it came.

Helen, Sage Director for Product Management

I'm 24 years into my career and still open to finding my next big thing. Not knowing where you want to go can be the recipe for a thriving career! Here's a bit about my story...

I never thought I'd be at Sage for 24 years, but I started in a technical support role and have built a great career from a wealth of experience having worked in various other functions, business units and segments across the business. That has all been because I'd never really known what I wanted to do (and still don't 100%).

Coming into work completely unaware of where I wanted to go was my ticket to success. It's awesome for those who have it all figured out sure but for it's also great if you don't know because you get to surprise yourself with how far you can go. And it's through the not knowing that I've been able to get into so many different areas working on so many different projects discovering more of who I am and what I'm good at.

There is power in not knowing exactly where you want to take your career. A plan set in stone isn't always the best thing! - Helen Pearson.

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