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Collaboration and Connection: How Oxford University Press' ELEVATE programme has allowed this working mum to continue to develop her career

Category: Home & Flexible Working

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Learning at work: My experiences at Oxford University Press


Over the last two years, I’ve taken part in several of the Learning and Development schemes Oxford University Press (OUP) offers. Back in 2020, near the beginning of home and remote working and not really knowing what I wanted from it, I signed up to be matched with an OUP mentor. At the time I had just returned to work from my second maternity leave, and my main concern was how I could continue to develop my career whilst working part-time and juggling the needs of two small children. I was lucky to be matched with a mentor whose guidance and support was instrumental in helping me see that the main thing holding me back was how I perceived myself.

In August 2021 I heard about Elevate —a nine month programme which furthers OUP’s diversity and inclusion goals by enabling the growth, development, and progression of under-represented groups. The stream which I became a part of focusses on supporting women into senior leadership, while another stream focusses on the development and progression of diverse under-represented groups.

Six months into Elevate and I have had access to a variety of experiences. Early on, I took part in a psychometric test and debrief with an expert, which helped me to take stock of my current priorities and set goals for the future. I’ve taken part in in-depth workshops with my cohort, which has been one of the most transformative aspects of the programme. These have allowed me to make connections with women from different locations and areas of the business. Another highlight has been using the ‘Thinking Environment: Time to Think Council’[i] technique to support someone in our group to talk about a current challenge or concern. Indeed, many of us found the workshops so useful that we have set up a monthly meeting to regularly catch-up and run a ‘Time to Think Council’.

Elevate participants are offered a catalogue of learning opportunities and my interest was drawn to an apprenticeship in workplace coaching. This is a substantial commitment, to which I must dedicate 20% of my working week. I have had great experiences with my own coach as part of Elevate and I’m relishing learning the skills to help others.

In reflecting on all my experiences, I am struck by some common themes. One is connecting with a variety of people who I would never have met without these programmes, and another is how much video calling has opened up opportunities for collaboration and forming these new connections.

On a personal level, I’m learning to listen more and better, which can be easy to say but more difficult to do in practice. The Elevate workshop format ensures that everyone has an equal chance to speak, and because I always know I will have this opportunity, I’m actively listening to others, rather than worrying about or practicing what I will say next.

I’ve also realized how rich and fruitful learning experiences which are fully entwined with day-to-day work can be. I’m able to practice and implement things I’m learning immediately, and things I am working on can enrich my learning. I’ve found this way of learning much more beneficial than courses I’ve taken in the past, which are often fascinating but feel separate from my daily work and can quickly be forgotten.

Finally, the fact that my learning is during work time means I am able to manage it around my commitments outside work and not feel like my childcare responsibilities hold me back from accessing opportunities.

I’m really grateful for the experiences I’ve had, and most importantly the people I’ve met. I’d highly recommend mentoring, coaching, and the Elevate programme to anyone interested in trying them.

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